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PCR test on-chain certificates

In collaboration with Roche, dHealth blockchain was successfully utilized to securely generate on-chain and monitor PCR test results which confirm that a person has a low or non-existing coronavirus-related DNA count in their sample.

This ensured the safety of Roche employees, as centralized solutions have been found to be flawed, and jeopardize the health of workers, as well as the public.

Although currently PCR testing has generally become underutilized as opposed to the period at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic, according to newest reports, they might, unfortunately, return.

The PCR solution developed in collaboration with Roche will be available for use by any organization and the general use case of certificates for individuals or products.

Organ donor certificates

Our strategic partnership with OrganX embodies the future—specifically, an AI-powered, blockchain-secured solid organ exchange. Operating on a nonprofit basis, this exchange strives to align the varied interests of stakeholders in the transplantation ecosystem, aiming to refine the efficiency, transparency, and security of the organ donation process.

The collaboration with OrganX is yielding the development of a fully virtualized and tokenized transplant ecosystem, grounded in trust.

Another use case that is closely tied to the Solid Organ Exchange is the Organ Donor Card which is being developed in partnership with the Paris Transplant Group. The card guarantees global accessibility, complete privacy, and absolute unforgeability of a person's decision on organ donation.

By optimizing donor-recipient matching, the partnership seeks to enhance the survival rates of both implants and patients, providing a glimmer of hope in an often grim scenario.